Over the last 3 years, the Choose Kindness Foundation has awarded more than $2,000,000 in grants to k-12 schools, community organizations that serve at-risk youth, and programs that work with incarcerated individuals. The foundation is committed to reaching vulnerable populations in order to spread kindness and teach mindfulness.

PBIS Schools
Competitive Grants
This project awards $2000 grants to eligible PBIS schools that have not previously been awarded a CKF grant. The funds are provided in order to support teaching kindness school-wide.

PBIS Schools
Continuation Grants
PBIS schools who have previously received a CKF grant may apply for a $500 Continuation Grant to support ongoing efforts to teach kindness school-wide. Eligible schools will be invited to apply.

Program Grants
CKF awards grants to community organizations to facilitate groups that teach mindfulness and kindness to vulnerable populations in after-school and summer programs. Please check back here for grant opportunities coming this fall.